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How to mask door jambs and bonnet gaps when painting a car

Masking tape applied to car hood

Having difficult time at masking door jambs and other grooved parts of the car? Most of the problems in preparing a car for painting can be easily avoided just using the proper tools and following the right masking procedures. Let’s discover some tricks for a professional, flawless job.

Door jambs and bonnet gaps are often some of the most neglected parts when preparing a car for painting. Masking them with regular masking tape, in fact, is a time consuming activity that requires patience and the use of great quantities of product. And still, the result is not granted: sometimes the paint filters through the edges and leaves unpleasant stains inside the groove.

Fortunately, there is a solution for a clean, thorough and quick job: you can employ foam masking tape, a product engineered specifically for the masking of door jambs and all the other gaps that occur on the surface of a car. The application of foam tape is fast and easy, you just have to follow some simple steps:

Foam masking tape is perfect for boot, bonnet, door jambs and A-posts applications.

Q1® Tapes provides a premium quality foam masking tape specifically designed for professional car body shops. Thanks to its high conformability, it easily fits the most irregular grooves; it can resist the high temperature of drying cycles and is designed to leave no residual when removed.

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