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Masking techniques

Premium-Grade Masking for Multi-Mask Processes

A step-by-step masking process with Q1® top-of-the-range products Masking vehicles after repair, so that they can be primed and refinished is a multi-mask process, with the full masking process required both before priming and before refinishing. For processes like this, it’s vital that your team is using masking products which can be trusted to adhere quickly and offer protection throughout…

Q1® Makes Business Sense for Axiom UK National Rollout

“Our goal is to open a network of 25 repair centres nationwide. Right now we are honing our processes to create a turnkey operation that can be rolled out as we grow. This includes trialling state-of-the-art equipment and performance-led consumable products like Q1®.” Jordon Fisher, Managing Director, Axiom UK  https://vimeo.com/458914940 From their purpose built, 18,000 sqft, facility in Peterborough, Axiom…

How to improve your scratch repair process

Three steps to the optimal finish Reassessing how you perform your day-to-day jobs is a positive step towards optimising the finish you deliver and the profit you make. Often, by making…

How to improve shop productivity

When it comes to automotive paint refinishing, delivering a top-quality paint job whilst maintaining the momentum of a busy paint shop is a real balancing act. productivity is an important…
Q1 tape applied to a car while spray painting

Why Q1® | Pills from professionals

Discover how Greg Webb uses Q1 – best painters tape – to gain perfect results Greg Webb is a professional car painter working at Shorade, a prestigious car accident repair center in…
Masking tape applied to car hood

How to use foam masking tape

Foam masking tape is the fastest way to mask the grooved parts of a vehicle like door jambs, boot and bonnet gaps: let’s see how to use it in this…
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